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This course, created by our team hazmat awareness training of regulatory compliance experts, will assist you in documenting your company's compliance with OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens training requirements, both initial and yearly. Medical and healthcare workers, medical students, tattoo artists and body piercers, school and daycare workers, firefighters, paramedics, police officers, emergency and first responders, and janitorial and cleaning staff are all ideal candidates. In the "Qty" section, enter the number of personnel you need to train. You will be able to input the names of your learners as soon as you finish your purchase. (This is so that certifications in their names may be produced.) You may add the names right now or later when you're ready; all at once or one by one. You will be provided login details for each name registered so that trainees may access the course. The course lasts around an hour and may be started and continued whenever you like. The course contains assessments that participants may take as many times as they need to check and show the training's efficacy. Following the completion of the course, certificates are supplied and ready to print.
This course, created by hazmat refresher training of regulatory compliance experts, will assist your organization in documenting its compliance with OSHA's Globally Harmonized System training requirement. In the "Qty" section, enter the number of personnel you need to train. You will be able to input the names of your learners as soon as you finish your purchase. (This is so that certifications in their names may be produced.) You may add the names right now or later when you're ready; all at once or one by one. You will be provided login details for each name registered so that trainees may access the course. The course lasts around an hour and may be started and continued whenever you like. The course contains assessments that participants may take as many times as they need to check and show the training's efficacy. Following the completion of the course, certificates are supplied and ready to print.Visit us online at